Hats On Hats On Hats

How many hats do you wear?
How many hats do you wear?

In the world of public relations, we have to wear so many different hats. In fact, the more hats that you wear (and look good in, too), the more likely you are to get a sweet job. You’ve got the graphic design hat, the writing hat, the photography hat, the communications hat, the media relations hat, the social media hat, and the this, that and everything in between hat.

In the eight years since I started on the path towards a career in communications/marketing/social media/public relations/journalism, I have spent countless hours trying on all the different hats that I need as a professional in this industry.

Photography is one hat that has always interested me. I actually attempted to get a minor in photography during my undergrad at Missouri State, but I loathed all of the other relatively useless art classes that I had to take in order to even enroll in a photography class so I dropped that like it was hot. As with many of the hats that I wear, photography got added to the list of things that I’ve had to just learn by getting out there and doing it.

Recently, thanks to a project at work, I had the opportunity to dive head first into learning more about photography and how to take professional level photos. We had the budget at work to invest in a brand spanking new Nikon D610 and after learning how to use that camera, I absolutely had to have one for myself (I ended up with a used Nikon D600) because I discovered how much I truly enjoyed the artistry behind the camera.

Fast forward about six months and as with all of the hats that I have learned to wear, I look for ways that I can volunteer my skills in the community. I had the pleasure of photographing the Springfield Dance Alliance‘s summer concert performance in August and from that experience, I booked my first paid freelance photography gig!

Photographing some promotional photos for Ozark Dance Academy was incredible. I used a Nikon D610 with a Nikkor f/2.8 24-70mm lens for all of these photos. Check out the gallery at the end of this post and let me know what you think of the images! Constructive criticism is always welcome as I am always learning and take any opportunity to improve my skills.

I feel like there is a moral to this story, especially for any young professionals or college students who may be reading this. Take every opportunity you have to learn a new skill. The more hats you can wear, the more marketable you will be as a professional. I can’t say that to my students enough.

And now, the photos…

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